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How fast is Microwler?

Hard to say. Without having tested it much (yet), the crawler seems to be performing at 10-100 pages per second, depending on its setup, the responding web server and the internet connection between them.

How does it work internally?

Microwler tries to keep things simple for you. Thus, most of its features are entirely optional. It uses various battle-tested libraries to achieve different things like asynchronous crawling, data extraction, caching and so on. Check the requirements file to find out more about which libraries are being used internally. The following image should give you a brief overview of how/when certain features are used.

Microwler Workflow

How can I access scraped data directly, i.e. without running any exporters?

Currently, there are two different ways to do this directly:

  1. Use crawler.results to obtain a list of result dicts (obviously after crawling)
  2. Use crawler.cache to obtain a list of cached pages (after initializing the crawler)

Alternatively, you can pull data via CLI & HTTP and it's advised to do so:

  • CLI: crawler <project_name> dumpcache
    • Exports the cache to your local filesystem as JSON
  • API: /data/<project_name>
    • Returns the cache as JSON

What are transformers?

It sounds more complex than it really is: a transformer is any Python callable which works on a data dictionary. Microwler will inject every crawled page's data into a given transformer function in order to manipulate it after scraping, i.e. do some text processing. Example

Can I persist results, i.e. in a database?

Yes. In fact, Microwler comes with a built-in caching system for storing results on-disk. You can enable this feature via the caching setting. Per default caches will be stored in ${CWD}/.microwler/cache.

Optionally, you can activate incremental crawling using the delta_crawl setting.

Under the hood, Microwler uses diskcache to store results on disk.

What's the roadmap for this project?

Microwler is a very young project (started 12/2020) and currently maintained by only one person. Nevertheless, there is a list of features to implement eventually:

  • Handle dynamic content / JS-generated sites
  • Provide more plug-and-play selectors
  • Implement a hook/plugin system with more flexibility (tbd)