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Builtin selectors

Use these selectors for common scraping tasks, for instance:

selectors = {
    'title': scrape.title,
    'text': scrape.text,

Note: you must not call the selector functions! The dom argument will be auto-injected by every Page object and represents a parsel.Selector of the whole HTML document.



Extract <link rel='canonical'> tags

Source code in microwler/
def canonicals(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract `<link rel='canonical'>` tags """
    return dom.xpath('//link[@rel="canonical"]/@href').getall()


Extract email addresses from <a> tags

Source code in microwler/
def emails(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract email addresses from `<a>` tags """
    hrefs = dom.xpath('//a[starts-with(@href, "mailto")]/@href').getall()
    return [href.strip('mailto:') for href in hrefs]


Extract first 3 levels of heading tags: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>

Source code in microwler/
def headings(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract first 3 levels of heading tags: `<h1>`, `<h2>`, `<h3>` """
    return {
        'h1': remove_multi_whitespace(dom.xpath('string(//h1[1])').getall()),
        'h2': remove_multi_whitespace(dom.xpath('string(//h2[1])').getall()),
        'h3': remove_multi_whitespace(dom.xpath('string(//h3[1])').getall()),


Extract URLs from <img> tags

Source code in microwler/
def images(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract URLs from `<img>` tags """
    return dom.xpath('//img/@src').getall()


Extract <meta> tags

Source code in microwler/
def meta(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract `<meta>` tags """
    tags = dom.xpath('//meta')
    return {tag.get('name'): tag.attrib['content'] for tag in tags}


Extract <p> tags

Source code in microwler/
def paragraphs(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract `<p>` tags """
    return dom.xpath('string(//p[1])').getall()


Extract itemtype schemas

Source code in microwler/
def schemas(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract itemtype schemas """
    schema_links = dom.xpath('//*[@itemtype]/@itemtype').getall()
    return [link.split('/')[-1] for link in schema_links]


Extract and clean text content

Source code in microwler/
def text(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract and clean text content """
    return extract_text(dom.xpath('//body').get())


Extract <title> tag

Source code in microwler/
def title(dom: parsel.Selector):
    """ Extract `<title>` tag """
    return dom.xpath('string(//title[1])').get()